CR Futureinvest – In reale Werte Investieren

Real estate funds

Invest in real values

The future of tangible assets begins right on your doorstep

The fund's properties are strategically distributed in different cities, with a clear focus on Berlin. Investments are primarily focused on urban centers that are known for stable and attractive returns. In addition, the fund is expanding its portfolio into real assets from the energy industry. Sustainable, social, profitable.


Berlin is one of the most dynamic cities in Europe with robust economic growth. The city attracts numerous national and international companies and offers a diverse economic environment. Berlin is experiencing steady population growth. More and more people are moving to the capital, which is continually increasing the demand for living space and ensuring stable rental income. In addition, the fund is aimed at socially sustainable housing. The demand here in the German center is particularly high. We don't just talk, we realize.

Ökologisch und soziale Nachhaltigkeit

Wir investieren in sozial nachhaltige Immobilien, weil wir der Überzeugung sind, dass es unsere Verantwortung als Immobilieninvestoren ist, die sozialen, ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen unserer Investments zu erkennen, zu verstehen und aktiv zu gestalten. Unser Ziel ist es, langfristig stabile Investitionsrenditen zu erzielen und dabei auch nicht-finanzielle Risiken zu managen. Durch unser Engagement in sozial nachhaltigen Immobilien tragen wir dazu bei, positive Veränderungen in den Gemeinschaften zu fördern, und gleichzeitig einen Mehrwert für unsere Investoren zu schaffen.